June 11, 2011 | ||
View 14ba4cf
1. Reduced dependencies and updated the gemfile 2. Added whole vendor directory to .gitignore for `bundle package` users 3. Removed guard tasks and replaced serve tasks in Rakefile. 3. Reorganized rake tasks and cleaned up the Rakefile.Brandon Mathis authored on 11/06/2011 at 11:56:04 |
May 30, 2011 | ||
View 8698a27
Cleaned out public from repository, updated gitignore, added syntax highlighting tests, improved syntax highlighting and styling of pre blocks. Overriding dynamic gist styling. Added a plugin for pygments caching which should speed things up terrifically. added ender.js as a lightweight way of scripting the DOM, events, etc. Some general typography and semantic html improvements.Brandon Mathis authored on 30/05/2011 at 04:30:16 |
May 15, 2011 | ||
View c7d5365
major refactoring, improved file watching, changed site to public to support rack via pow (http://pow.cx) also implemented the basics of a 320 and up design refresh on the classic theme. This should make it great for mobile readingBrandon Mathis authored on 15/05/2011 at 22:33:00 |
April 18, 2011 | ||
View e4c2d57
irrisponsibly massive commitBrandon Mathis authored on 18/04/2011 at 03:49:30 |