June 19, 2011 | ||
View f77db80
1. Switched back to Rdiscount 2. Improved Blockquote comment header 3. Added Include File and Pullquote plugins 4. Improved blog typography 5. Simplified "Read more" linkBrandon Mathis authored on 19/06/2011 at 19:14:01 |
June 18, 2011 | ||
View 2181305
1. Replaced Rdiscount in favor of Kramdown (better html5 support) for markdown processing. 2. Added updated instructions to the README 3. Removed unused media css directories 4. Improved use of color variables for page theming. 5. Improved Typography and blog styling. 6. Added support for simple pre and code styles 7. Misc styling and markup improvements.Brandon Mathis authored on 18/06/2011 at 02:24:48 |
June 11, 2011 | ||
View 814be44
1. Improved responsive navigation styling when email subscription is present 2. Refactored subscription styling to be more DRY 3. Added an image for email subscriptions 4. Added assets directory to the gitignore for stashing working files 5. Improved gem list in the GemfileBrandon Mathis authored on 11/06/2011 at 19:23:54 |
View 14ba4cf
1. Reduced dependencies and updated the gemfile 2. Added whole vendor directory to .gitignore for `bundle package` users 3. Removed guard tasks and replaced serve tasks in Rakefile. 3. Reorganized rake tasks and cleaned up the Rakefile.Brandon Mathis authored on 11/06/2011 at 11:56:04 |
May 30, 2011 | ||
View 8698a27
Cleaned out public from repository, updated gitignore, added syntax highlighting tests, improved syntax highlighting and styling of pre blocks. Overriding dynamic gist styling. Added a plugin for pygments caching which should speed things up terrifically. added ender.js as a lightweight way of scripting the DOM, events, etc. Some general typography and semantic html improvements.Brandon Mathis authored on 30/05/2011 at 04:30:16 |
May 15, 2011 | ||
View c7d5365
major refactoring, improved file watching, changed site to public to support rack via pow (http://pow.cx) also implemented the basics of a 320 and up design refresh on the classic theme. This should make it great for mobile readingBrandon Mathis authored on 15/05/2011 at 22:33:00 |
April 18, 2011 | ||
View e4c2d57
irrisponsibly massive commitBrandon Mathis authored on 18/04/2011 at 03:49:30 |
August 21, 2010 | ||
View a9eb078
added rake as a dependencyB Mathis authored on 21/08/2010 at 22:43:45 |
August 3, 2010 | ||
View 96579bb
Requiring Mongrel (invisible dependency of later versions of Serve)Kevin W. Gisi authored on 03/08/2010 at 17:52:31 |
View adeee0c
Required newer active_support for newer serve gem (Ruby 1.9 support)Kevin W. Gisi authored on 03/08/2010 at 05:54:03 |
July 26, 2010 | ||
View 5ca3949
reverted back to rdiscount instead of kramdownB Mathis authored on 26/07/2010 at 16:05:56 |
View 76b8b8c
fixed rake preview and updated sass to sass3 syntaxB Mathis authored on 26/07/2010 at 15:55:53 |
May 26, 2010 | ||
View 091ef1c
Use Bundler for dependency managementdbloete authored on 26/05/2010 at 07:23:47 |