43b171a9 |
this.App = |
a68f7847 |
debug: () ->
return if arguments.length == 0
if arguments.length == 1
message = arguments[0]
message = arguments
console.log message |
52ef7688 |
a7decc88 |
stripJid: (jid) ->
r = new RegExp('(^.*)\/.*$')
match = r.exec(jid)
if match and (match.length > 0)
return match[1]
return jid
43b171a9 |
UI: |
1ec65f29 |
setAutoHeight: -> |
aaf9bd82 |
App.debug 'resizing' |
3a34499e |
resizeRoster: -> |
d5d0ee30 |
if (windowHeight < $('.roster').css('min-height').replace(/[^-\d\.]/g, ''))
3a34499e |
windowHeight = $(window).height() |
d5d0ee30 |
toolboxHeight = $("#height-setter-1 .toolbox").height() |
322b85e2 |
$(".friends").css({height: windowHeight - toolboxHeight - $('#js-me').height() - 14})
$("#height-setter-1").css({height: windowHeight - toolboxHeight - $('#js-active-friends').height() - 119}) |
3a34499e |
resizeMessages: ->
windowHeight = $(window).height()
$("#height-setter-2").css({height: windowHeight - $('#tabbar').outerHeight() - $('#msg-writer').outerHeight() - 62})
messagesContainer = $('.messages')
messagesContainer.animate(scrollTop: messagesContainer.height(), 'fast') |
ff94bdbf |
43899b3a |
filterContacts: (searchTerm) ->
ff94bdbf |
Com: |
b27f285a |
connect: (callback) ->
App._dispatcher = new WebSocketRails('www.xmpp.dev:3000/websocket')
App._dispatcher.on_open = =>
@_setupBackboneComponents() |
9234acc2 |
@_bindListeners(callback) |
ff94bdbf |
191a317f |
trigger: (options) -> |
b27f285a |
_.defaults(options, {data: {} }) |
ff94bdbf |
App._dispatcher.trigger(options.event, options.data, options.success, options.error) |
b27f285a |
5011e360 |
initRoster: (callback) -> |
191a317f |
App.Com.trigger( |
52ef7688 |
event: 'app.roster.initRoster'
success: (data) -> |
6a6ccd01 |
_.each(data.contacts, (contact) ->
newContact = new Xmpp.Models.Contact(
id: contact.jid
jid: contact.jid |
635339a3 |
belongsTo: [contact.belongsTo] |
6a6ccd01 |
) |
635339a3 |
App.Collections.contacts.add(newContact, merge: true) |
b27f285a |
) |
9fc0e3f3 |
callback?() |
52ef7688 |
startFetchingVcards: -> |
191a317f |
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.startFetchingVcards') |
52ef7688 |
startPollingRoster: -> |
191a317f |
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.startPolling') |
b27f285a |
1f685c13 |
startPollingMessages: ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.chat.startPollingMessages')
43ad79fa |
setPresence: -> |
191a317f |
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.setPresence') |
43ad79fa |
d4872cda |
getMe: ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.myself', success: (response) -> |
4b5bb9c5 |
App.Models.me = new Xmpp.Models.Me(
jid: response.jid
name: response.vcard.name
status: response.status
avatar: response.vcard.avatar |
8287edd6 |
isFB: response.is_facebook |
4b5bb9c5 |
) |
d4872cda |
31111b63 |
sendMessage: (message, to, from, callbackOk, callbackFail) ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.chat.sendMessage', data: {message: message, to: to, from: from}, success: callbackOk, error: callbackFail)
24b129a9 |
sendMultiMessage: (message, chatId, from, callbackOk, callbackFail) -> |
00f00dbe |
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.chat.sendMessage', data: {message: message, chatId: chatId, from: from}, success: callbackOk, error: callbackFail) |
2a61cdcc |
94bd8368 |
openNewMultiChat: (chatOwner, attendant, chat) ->
@trigger(event: 'app.chat.newMultiChat', data: {chatOwner: chatOwner.get('jid')}, success: (response) => |
2a61cdcc |
chat.setChatId(response.id) |
296dd1c6 |
chat.appendWithWhom(attendant) |
94bd8368 |
@trigger(event: 'app.chat.addToMultiChat', data: {chatOwner: chatOwner.get('jid'), chatId: response.id, jid: attendant.get('jid')}, success: ->
Backbone.Events.trigger('openChat', chat)
) |
424fd46f |
296dd1c6 |
inviteToChat: (chat, toAdd, me) ->
@trigger(event: 'app.chat.addToMultiChat', data: {chatOwner: me, chatId: chat.get('chatId'), jid: toAdd.get('jid')}, success: ->
Backbone.Events.trigger('openChat', chat)
aa2c1028 |
iClosedMultichat: (chatId, jid) ->
@trigger(event: 'app.chat.iClosedMultichat', data: {chatId: chatId, me: jid})
kickFromMultichat: (chatId, me, jidToKick) ->
@trigger(event: 'app.chat.kickFromMultichat', data: {chatId: chatId, me: me, kick: jidToKick})
37ab3198 |
switchMultiChatOwner: (me, newOwner, chatId) ->
@trigger(event: 'app.chat.switchOwnership', data: {chatId: chatId, me: me, newOwner: newOwner})
24b129a9 |
syncMultiChatContacts: (me, chatId) -> |
a0c73ec7 |
@trigger(event: 'app.chat.syncMultiChatContacts', data: {me: me, chatId: chatId})
syncedContacts: () ->
24b129a9 |
c4a1e746 |
updateMyStatus: (message, state)->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.updateMyStatus', data: {message: message, state: state})
6fb9497e |
updateMyVcardName: (name) -> |
6347ea28 |
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.updateMyVcard', data: {name: name})
6fb9497e |
updateMyVcardAvatar: (imageBase64) ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.updateMyVcard', data: {avatar: imageBase64})
635339a3 |
removeContactRemote: (contact, client) ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.removeContact', data: {jid: contact, client: client})
910e0f23 |
addContact: (jid) ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.addContact', data: {jid: jid})
answerFriendRequest: (jid, answer) ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.roster.answerFriendRequest', data: { jid: jid, answer: answer})
f6071db7 |
checkSavingHistory: (me, chatId, attendant, onSuccess) ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.chat.canSaveHistory', data: {me: me, chatId: chatId, attendant: attendant}, success: onSuccess)
setHistory: (me, chatId, attendant, state, onSuccess) ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.chat.setHistorySaving', data: {me: me, chatId: chatId, attendant: attendant, enable: state}, success: onSuccess)
7a706f0e |
loadHistory: (me, chatId, attendant, step, onSuccess) ->
App.Com.trigger(event: 'app.chat.loadHistory', data: {me: me, chatId: chatId, attendant: attendant, step: step}, success: onSuccess)
b27f285a |
_setupBackboneComponents: -> |
6a6ccd01 |
App.Collections.contacts = new Xmpp.Collections.ContactsCollection()
App.Collections.chats = new Xmpp.Collections.ChatsCollection()
App.Views.tabbar = new Xmpp.Views.Tabbar.TabbarView() |
b27f285a |
9234acc2 |
_bindListeners: (callback) -> |
3719af96 |
App._dispatcher.bind('connection_closed', ->
9234acc2 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.client.connected', (jid) ->
App._dispatcher.bind('app.client.cannot_connect', (jid) ->
alert('cannot connect to ' + jid)
52ef7688 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.roster.statusChanged', (result) ->
App.debug 'change contact state' |
6a6ccd01 |
App.Collections.contacts.updateStatus(result) |
52ef7688 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.roster.vcard', (result) ->
App.debug 'got vcard' |
6a6ccd01 |
App.Collections.contacts.udpateVcard(result) |
52ef7688 |
635339a3 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.roster.subscriptionChanged', (subscription) ->
App.debug 'subscription changed'
7a817e66 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.roster.using_this_app', (person) ->
App.debug ['is using this app', person.jid]
contact = App.Collections.contacts.get(person.jid)
if (contact)
aa2c1028 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.chat.destroyMultichat', (data) ->
chatId = data.chat_id
chat = App.Collections.chats.findById(chatId)
if chat
App.debug 'destroying multicat from outside'
Backbone.Events.trigger('closeChat', chat, true)
37ab3198 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.chat.makeMeNewOwner', (chatData) ->
App.debug 'Makeing me new chat owner'
chat = App.Collections.chats.findById(chatData.chat_id)
if chat
attendants = chat.get('withWhom')
attendants = _.without(attendants, App.Models.me) #TODO zamenit .me za model zo serveru
chat.set('who', App.Models.me)
chat.set('withWhom', attendants)
910e0f23 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.roster.friendRequest', (request) ->
App.debug ['receiving friend request', request]
popup = new Xmpp.Views.Popup.FriendRequestView(jid: request.jid, name: request.name)
c6c526f1 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.chat.importChat', (chatData) -> |
296dd1c6 |
chatId = chatData.chat_id
chat = App.Collections.chats.findById(chatId)
if not chat
chat = new Xmpp.Models.Chat(
chatId: chatId,
isMultiChat: true
) |
c6c526f1 |
296dd1c6 |
App.Collections.chats.add(chat); |
b1c6b359 |
296dd1c6 |
chat.syncContacts(chatData.contacts, chatData.owner)
Backbone.Events.trigger('openChat', chat) |
c6c526f1 |
a0c73ec7 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.chat.updateSyncedContacts', (syncData) ->
App.debug ['new multichat contacts arrived', syncData.contacts]
chat = App.Collections.chats.findById(syncData.chat_id)
if chat
chat.syncContacts(syncData.contacts, syncData.owner)
Backbone.Events.trigger('openChat', chat)
1f685c13 |
App._dispatcher.bind('app.chat.messageReceived', (result) -> |
b1c6b359 |
App.debug ['message received', result] |
1f685c13 |
b1c6b359 |
if (result.chat_id) |
3c051f6a |
chatId = result.chat_id |
b1c6b359 |
tab = _.find(App.Views.tabbar.tabs, (tab) -> |
3c051f6a |
tab.getChatId() == chatId |
1f685c13 |
3c051f6a |
if App.Views.tabbar and App.Views.tabbar.activeTab
if App.Views.tabbar.activeTab.model.get('chatId') != chatId
refreshScreen = true
refreshScreen = true
if refreshScreen
chat = App.Collections.chats.findById(chatId)
Backbone.Events.trigger('openChat', chat)
e513299a |
contact = App.Collections.contacts.findByJid(App.stripJid(result.from)) |
322b85e2 |
tab.chatWindow.appendMessage(contact, new Date(), result.message, result.id_message) |
b1c6b359 |
#TODO: prepisat tuto hrozu
a7decc88 |
contact = App.Collections.contacts.findByJid(App.stripJid(result.from)) |
b1c6b359 |
if contact
contactView = App.Collections.contacts.friendsList.hasContact(contact) ||
contact = new Xmpp.Models.Contact( |
7957c8ca |
id: App.stripJid(result.from)
jid: App.stripJid(result.from) |
b1c6b359 |
belongsTo: [result.to]
App.Collections.contacts.add(contact, merge: true)
contactView = App.Collections.contacts.friendsList.hasContact(contact)
7957c8ca |
contact.setPreferredResource(result.from) |
3c051f6a |
if App.Views.tabbar and App.Views.tabbar.activeTab
if App.Views.tabbar.activeTab.model.get('withWhom') != contact
contactView.startChat() |
1f685c13 |
b1c6b359 |
tab = _.find(App.Views.tabbar.tabs, (tab) ->
tab.hasParticipants(App.Models.me, contact)
) |
1f685c13 |
322b85e2 |
tab.chatWindow.appendMessage(contact, new Date(), result.message, result.id_message) |
1f685c13 |
d4872cda |
me: null
b27f285a |
Collections: |
6a6ccd01 |
contacts: null
chats: null
tabbar: null
chat: null |