5fa8b94d |
# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
# See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
en: |
531ecd5f |
error: 'Invalid email/password combination' |
cf968ae0 |
success: 'Successfully logged in' |
120b99ea |
access-denied: 'Access denied. Please, sign in first.' |
cf968ae0 |
title: "Login"
form-header: "Login form" |
f835d40d |
form-send: "Login"
chat: |
b27f285a |
title: "Chat" |
82fcdc6f |
close: "Close"
b27f285a |
friends: "Friends"
chat-group: "Chat group" |
d4872cda |
avatar_alt: "Avatar" |
6a6ccd01 |
change_status_msg: "Change your status message" |
43899b3a |
search: "Search contacts"
group-empty: "Empty" |
87949f25 |
new-multichat: "Create new multichat with %{user}"
invite: "Invite %{user} to the opened multichat"
kick: "Kick %{user} from the opened multichat"
is-owner: "%{user} is the owner of the opened multichat"
make-owner: "Make %{user} a new owner of the opened multichat"
remove: "Remove %{user} from my roster"
multi: "multi"
invite: "invite"
kick: "kick"
owner: "owner"
remove: "rem"
43899b3a |
tabbar: |
424fd46f |
and: 'and'
new_msg_placeholder: "Type your message here" |
00f00dbe |
send: "Send"
window: |
82fcdc6f |
sendFailed: "An error occured while sending your message" |