require_relative "rubysermon/version" require_relative "rubysermon/mod_loader" require_relative "rubysermon/mod_template" require_relative "rubysermon/configurator" require_relative "rubysermon/db" require "date" module Rubysermon LIB_PATH = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) APP_PATH = "#{LIB_PATH}/.." MOD_PATH = "#{LIB_PATH}/rubysermon/mod" class App def initialize @config = { repeat: 60, config_path: "#{LIB_PATH}/rubysermon/config.json", db_path: "/tmp/rubysermon_history.db", history_size: 90 } @running_mods = [] @enabled_mods = [] @db = nil @results = [] check_args() end def run read_config() enable_and_start_mods() if (msg = cannot_start_fetch_process_sleep_cycle?) abort(msg) end #start_db() start_fetch_process_sleep_cycle() end private def check_args if not ARGV.empty? config_path = ARGV.first if File.exists?(config_path) @config[:config_path] = config_path else abort("Wrong config file path. Exiting.") end end end def read_config configurator =[:config_path]) config = configurator.get_settings() @config.merge!(config) end def enable_and_start_mods @enabled_mods = @config[:modules].to_a @enabled_mods.each do |mod| load_mod(mod) end end def load_mod(mod_name) begin #prekonvertovat na symbol mod = ModLoader.load(mod_name) @running_mods.push(mod) rescue ModLoaderException => e $stderr.puts e.message end end def cannot_start_fetch_process_sleep_cycle? if @config[:repeat].to_i < 1 return "Repeat cycle is too short" elsif @running_mods.empty? return "There are no enabled modules" end false end def start_db @db =[:db_path]) end def start_fetch_process_sleep_cycle while true current_time = @running_mods.each do |mod| save_results(mod, current_time, mod.results()) notify() if mod.notify? end make_output() sleep @config[:repeat] end end def save_results(mod, time, result) mod_results = @results[mod] if mod_results.size >= @config[:history_size] mod_results.slice!(@config[:history_size], @results[mod].size) end #shift() and push() operations have O(1) complexity. mod_results.shift() mod_results.push([time: time, value: result]) end def notify end def make_output end end end