name mode size
ant 040000
apache2-macports 040000
archlinux 040000
autojump 040000
battery 040000
brew 040000
bundler 040000
cake 040000
cap 040000
cloudapp 040000
command-not-found 040000
compleat 040000
cpanm 040000
debian 040000
dirpersist 040000
django 040000
extract 040000
gas 040000
gem 040000
git-flow 040000
git 040000
github 040000
gnu-utils 040000
gpg-agent 040000
gradle 040000
grails 040000
heroku 040000
history-substring-search 040000
jake-node 040000
kate 040000
knife 040000
lein 040000
lighthouse 040000
lol 040000
macports 040000
mercurial 040000
mysql-macports 040000
node 040000
npm 040000
nyan 040000
osx 040000
perl 040000
phing 040000
pip 040000
pow 040000
powder 040000
python 040000
rails 040000
rails3 040000
rake 040000
rbenv 040000
redis-cli 040000
ruby 040000
rvm 040000
sprunge 040000
ssh-agent 040000
svn 040000
symfony2 040000
taskwarrior 040000
terminalapp 040000
terminitor 040000
textmate 040000
thor 040000
vagrant 040000
vi-mode 040000
vundle 040000
wakeonlan 040000
yum 040000
Installation ------------ To install, run cd ~ git clone git:// .oh-my-zsh ln -s .oh-my-zsh/zshrc .zshrc cd .oh-my-zsh git submodule init git submodule update chsh -s `which zsh` Key Bindings ------------- `Ctrl + b` Go back in the directory location history `Ctrl + f` Go forward in the directory location history `Ctrl + u` Go up in the directory structure `Ctrl + k` ls Not ideal, I'm open to suggestions. Features -------- * The git status is printed in the prompt. To disable type `nog` (huge repositories tend to slow down the shell). Also disable git completion * The command history is shared across sessions (very useful with `Ctrl + r`). To disable type `noh` (useful when all you are doing is Up arrow + Enter). * Syntax is highlighted. * No need to type `bundler exec` for most commands (annotate cap capify cucumber ey foreman guard heroku middleman nanoc rackup rainbows rails rake rspec ruby shotgun spec spork thin thor unicorn unicorn\_rails). * `vi file:123` will open file at line 123. * hitch is supported * To load nodejs bin directory in the $PATH, type `npm_bin`