April 29, 2011
View 6f7d51c

Feature: Random themes now supported. Just set your theme to 'random' and it'll load a different theme each time oh-my-zsh is started. Closes #309

Robby Russell authored on 29/04/2011 at 09:24:29
April 28, 2011
View 58a7cf1

Move sourcing of custom to below plugins

Pat Regan authored on 28/04/2011 at 23:12:05
April 12, 2011
View 796f516

Minor reformatting

Pat Regan authored on 12/04/2011 at 23:53:55
View 757ebfc

Moved the plugin fpath loop and compinit so they happen before custom scripts are loaded.

Pat Regan authored on 12/04/2011 at 21:50:15
View 6bf906a

Optimize plugin loading so that only one call to compinit is required

Pat Regan authored on 12/04/2011 at 21:41:09
View 16ac094

Moved compinit call back to oh-my-zsh.sh, after plugins are loaded

Pat Regan authored on 12/04/2011 at 13:28:15
April 8, 2011
View 235733e

Removed commented out code.

Pat Regan authored on 08/04/2011 at 15:12:21
View ef41759

Moved the single compinit call from oh-my-zsh.sh to lib/completion.zsh

Pat Regan authored on 08/04/2011 at 15:10:14
View 993e05d

Replace redundant calls to compinit with a single call.

Pat Regan authored on 08/04/2011 at 14:12:22
January 9, 2011
View 8294cf4

Postponing sourcing of the theme until after local customizations

Michael Komitee authored on 09/01/2011 at 04:34:47
October 1, 2010
View 26d97a9

Reorganizing plugins so that each plugin has it's own directory now so that any plugin-specific functions can be bundled within there.

Robby Russell authored on 01/10/2010 at 04:34:06
September 26, 2010
View e37d62a

unset config_file is useless

Tomas Kramar authored on 26/09/2010 at 14:05:53
June 3, 2010
View 3cf9ab7

Initial implementation of a new plugin system, so that people can managed which aliases/functions they want.

Robby Russell authored on 03/06/2010 at 19:03:26
May 7, 2010
View 7d03691

Unsetting config_file after loading config

Robby Russell authored on 07/05/2010 at 04:13:59
December 13, 2009
View 20755df

Based on a suggestion from robbyrussel, using env for greater compatibility.

johnmaxwelliv authored on 13/12/2009 at 19:38:37