April 22, 2010
View 181a2ed

Escape some metachars that trip up .zdirstore script

Matt Cable authored on 22/04/2010 at 17:26:08
April 2, 2010
View 21e2a91

Escape &'s in path name. Need to find general function for escaping all shell metacharacters.

Matt Cable authored on 02/04/2010 at 21:24:41
March 16, 2010
View 870551e

Alias popd to remove deleted dirs from persistance

Matt Cable authored on 16/03/2010 at 02:34:26
February 27, 2010
View a0a8ba6

Initial pass at pesistant directory stack

Matt Cable authored on 27/02/2010 at 23:15:47