September 7, 2011
View 3d2d1a8

1. Vastly improved backtick code blocks and added support for Textile 2. Refactored Octopress filters into Liquid filters and pre/post render filters (using post_filters plugin) 3. Added methods to raw plugin to prevent Markdown and Textile from parsing blocks 4. Updated render partial to invoke the pre_render method of post_filters 5. Moved Rubypants filter out of default.html into Octopress post_render filters 6. Added raw's safe_wrapper method to codeblock and include_code filters

Brandon Mathis authored on 07/09/2011 at 23:32:57
View 9d2c76e

Added {% raw %} liquid block, allowing for blocks of code which are not parsed by Liquid

Brandon Mathis authored on 07/09/2011 at 22:49:20