July 1, 2011
View b9ad060

1. Updated config so blog categories get ouput to /blog/categories 2. Increased default pagination to 10 posts per page 3. Explained email address for RSS feed better

Brandon Mathis authored on 01/07/2011 at 21:13:21
June 29, 2011
View ea349cd

Moved themes to .themes to get it out of the way. Updated Rakefile to support .themes dir and remove duplication. Improved deploy task. Renamed init_deploy to cofig_deploy and rewrote it to update configurations in the Rakefile for easier deploy use

Brandon Mathis authored on 29/06/2011 at 18:01:06
June 28, 2011
View ce66217

Improved the post and init_deploy rake tasks

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/06/2011 at 02:47:40
June 27, 2011
View 6f4c842

fixed a bug in init_deploy task

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/06/2011 at 22:17:15
View 62c9780

Added archive_post partial Added post_category partial Added archives page

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/06/2011 at 21:38:51
View 87c9dc6

Added category index layout and noise.png

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/06/2011 at 21:35:44
View 91f0190

Included Sass files which should have been in my previous commit. Oops! How embarrassing. Also I've updated the gitignore.

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/06/2011 at 20:59:21
View 353ccfd

1. Added Category support 2. Designed blog archives pages 3. Restructured Sass 4. Added Categories to rake post metadata 5. Some general style improvements

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/06/2011 at 19:59:21
June 24, 2011
View ef3ff43

1. Added html5 video with flash fallback. 2. Added Rack support 3. Disqus support 4. Improved Readme 5. Improved Syntax flexibility and styling 6. Improved blockquote styling

Brandon Mathis authored on 24/06/2011 at 21:17:35
June 23, 2011
View a128d49

1. Improved Deployment and setup tasks in Rakefile 2. Improved README setup instructions

Brandon Mathis authored on 23/06/2011 at 03:44:02
June 22, 2011
View da514a6

1. Updated typography for blockquotes 2. Improved blockquote Liquid tag 3. Added custom layout Sass for making layout changes simple

Brandon Mathis authored on 22/06/2011 at 22:53:17
View a2ab1d4

1. Reordered configs in Rakefile based on importance. 2. Refactored stylesheets to simplify dreictory trees.

Brandon Mathis authored on 22/06/2011 at 16:29:23
June 21, 2011
View b9b9eb0

improved rake tasks for deployment, updated .gitignore

Brandon Mathis authored on 21/06/2011 at 20:11:07
June 20, 2011
View 5d61b46

1. Updated readme 2. Improved blog typography 3. Improved support for Disqus 4. Removed unnecessary page layout

Brandon Mathis authored on 20/06/2011 at 20:44:04
June 19, 2011
View f77db80

1. Switched back to Rdiscount 2. Improved Blockquote comment header 3. Added Include File and Pullquote plugins 4. Improved blog typography 5. Simplified "Read more" link

Brandon Mathis authored on 19/06/2011 at 19:14:01