June 15, 2011
View ab29d45

1. Added new include_code tag to allow auhtors to insert files from the file system with syntax highligting and a download link 2. Improved the gist tag to properly insert the sources in <noscript> tags 3. Improved semantics in the blockquote plugin and DRYed things up. 4. Pygments caching now stores to the _code_cache directory by default 5. Added a configuration for the default include_code directory 6. Updated the .gitignore

Brandon Mathis authored on 15/06/2011 at 22:31:22
June 11, 2011
View 913fa10

1. Moved _plugins into themes/classic/_plugins I think it's probably better to ship plugins with themes to make it easier to update them. 2. Improved 'install' rake task and made nicer output

Brandon Mathis authored on 11/06/2011 at 19:58:53