July 15, 2011
View 8b6d83a

1. Udated category layout 2. Improved scoping and styling for links 3. Sidebar collapse improvements

Brandon Mathis authored on 15/07/2011 at 19:50:48
July 14, 2011
View 87f300b

1. Styled pagination for blog index 2. Fixed Newer pagination link on page 2 3. Improved sidebar section breakdown on collapse 4. Removed sharing links from the blog index page (moved to pages) 5. Improved styling for metadata on the blog index 6. Moved /blog/archives.html to /blog/archives/index.html 7. Improved responsive layout styling bugs

Brandon Mathis authored on 14/07/2011 at 02:23:19
July 13, 2011
View b0a6100

fixed sidebar columnization

Brandon Mathis authored on 13/07/2011 at 15:57:44
July 12, 2011
View 5d1d04c

1. Made default layout more generic. 2. Added a page layout and improved html on post layout. 3. Improved flexibility of stylesheets for different layout types. 4. Collapsing sidebar now moves it to the bottom of the page and floats content into columns. 5. Improved sharing settings, added Google plus one.

Brandon Mathis authored on 12/07/2011 at 23:40:57
June 29, 2011
View ea349cd

Moved themes to .themes to get it out of the way. Updated Rakefile to support .themes dir and remove duplication. Improved deploy task. Renamed init_deploy to cofig_deploy and rewrote it to update configurations in the Rakefile for easier deploy use

Brandon Mathis authored on 29/06/2011 at 18:01:06