July 28, 2011
View c779ad7

Now rss link in head will update correctly with changes to the config

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/07/2011 at 20:51:55
View 49a6778

Add support using github backtick code blocks without supplying a language

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/07/2011 at 19:59:27
View 2af038a

added cannonical link to head

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/07/2011 at 19:53:39
View 1e2d10c

removed appcache because it was annoying firefox users

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/07/2011 at 19:42:28
View 3b29bfc

added / to the end of the permalinks by default to be more compatible with diqus permalink matching for wordpress default imports

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/07/2011 at 19:40:42
View a516c77

improved replacement filters for textile markup on github backtick codeblocks, added comment to show regular HTML support

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/07/2011 at 19:21:34
View 7209aaf

updated Github style backtick filter to support textile, markdown and html

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/07/2011 at 18:44:18
View d8b1781

allow select and order of sidebar components to be configurable in jekyll's _config.yml

Jason Woodward authored on 28/07/2011 at 16:02:08
View b37ce3a

Merge pull request #53 from zumda/master

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/07/2011 at 14:18:45
View 2d8a17c

making textile and code blocks work nice together

Andreas Arnold authored on 28/07/2011 at 14:02:49
July 27, 2011
View 4a22546

fixed bug where multiple github style codeblcoks were getting eaten

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/07/2011 at 22:32:06
View 0911eab

fixed update style

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/07/2011 at 22:34:50
View d05040a

Merge pull request #51 from lukearmstrong/patch-5

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/07/2011 at 22:34:16
View 6244fea

Fixed rake update_source and rake update_style

Luke Armstrong authored on 27/07/2011 at 22:22:57
View b7a9e1e

Merge pull request #49 from lukearmstrong/patch-3

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/07/2011 at 22:09:37