March 10, 2010
View eefe29e

now Octopress uses partials

B Mathis authored on 10/03/2010 at 18:23:30
View 60d42be

updated twitter link to have correct tweet link on timestamp

B Mathis authored on 10/03/2010 at 05:34:35
January 25, 2010
View 572be10

Add partial support with a HAML approved version of jekyll's include

Ryan Daigle authored on 25/01/2010 at 02:00:51
December 7, 2009
View 6a1a9a8

added titlize so posts created with rake tasks will have nice titles

B Mathis authored on 07/12/2009 at 16:55:50
November 25, 2009
View ffc2962

fixed google analtyics tracking id

B Mathis authored on 25/11/2009 at 14:06:41
View f6e169a

added variable for google tracking id

B Mathis authored on 25/11/2009 at 14:02:28
View 50c0368

fixed discussion url id

B Mathis authored on 25/11/2009 at 13:43:45
View 87c7c1a

replaced a specific reference with a generic one for disqus

B Mathis authored on 25/11/2009 at 13:38:31
November 15, 2009
View 6f10642

added introduction post to show off typography and function as a first post

B Mathis authored on 15/11/2009 at 03:12:05
View 2b2de61

removed lame example posts

B Mathis authored on 15/11/2009 at 00:11:40
November 14, 2009
View 7e87a4c

fixed core library link to google

B Mathis authored on 14/11/2009 at 23:03:37
View a3fcfde

mootools core now loads from goolge ajax libraries

B Mathis authored on 14/11/2009 at 23:01:54
View 04c07e7

fixed link to about page

B Mathis authored on 14/11/2009 at 22:51:42
View ca68e5b

turned off developer mode for disqus

B Mathis authored on 14/11/2009 at 21:00:21
View b021a48

added check for twitter container in twitter.js

B Mathis authored on 14/11/2009 at 20:47:53