October 23, 2011
View 633b338

Make the background and the footer gradiations customizable

MORITA Hajime (omo) authored on 23/10/2011 at 13:55:20
September 21, 2011
View 27c736b

Minor fixes

Frederic Hemberger authored on 21/09/2011 at 13:01:23
View a9a901c

Fixed misuse of ARIA roles (see http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/introduction-to-wai-aria/)

Frederic Hemberger authored on 21/09/2011 at 12:48:38
July 15, 2011
View 8b6d83a

1. Udated category layout 2. Improved scoping and styling for links 3. Sidebar collapse improvements

Brandon Mathis authored on 15/07/2011 at 19:50:48
July 14, 2011
View 87f300b

1. Styled pagination for blog index 2. Fixed Newer pagination link on page 2 3. Improved sidebar section breakdown on collapse 4. Removed sharing links from the blog index page (moved to pages) 5. Improved styling for metadata on the blog index 6. Moved /blog/archives.html to /blog/archives/index.html 7. Improved responsive layout styling bugs

Brandon Mathis authored on 14/07/2011 at 02:23:19
June 29, 2011
View ea349cd

Moved themes to .themes to get it out of the way. Updated Rakefile to support .themes dir and remove duplication. Improved deploy task. Renamed init_deploy to cofig_deploy and rewrote it to update configurations in the Rakefile for easier deploy use

Brandon Mathis authored on 29/06/2011 at 18:01:06