August 24, 2011
View efb7522

Do not rely on system specifc syntax for preview or watch.

Benjamin R Doerr authored on 24/08/2011 at 02:55:16
August 23, 2011
View 5f08abe

Removes system specific File IO from Rakefile, rather we make use of FileUtils.

Benjamin R Doerr authored on 23/08/2011 at 02:46:04
View 9d57455

Makes update_source and update_style much more windows friendly.

Ben Doerr authored on 23/08/2011 at 06:22:18
August 21, 2011
View 9f830dd

added support for deploying "dot" files (eg. .htaccess), fixes #104

Brandon Mathis authored on 21/08/2011 at 22:38:10
August 20, 2011
View 5ec1f01

added stringex gem for permalink url generation

Pavel Pravosud authored on 20/08/2011 at 03:24:15
August 16, 2011
View 59521e3

added blog_index_dir configuration and improved update_source

Brandon Mathis authored on 16/08/2011 at 05:49:49
August 11, 2011
View 5958810

Merge branch 'master' of

Brandon Mathis authored on 11/08/2011 at 23:56:54
View 313c385

now using rack instead of Jekyll's webrick server, fixes #90

Brandon Mathis authored on 11/08/2011 at 23:56:25
View a817f99

fix rake-list

marutanm authored on 11/08/2011 at 12:13:30
August 10, 2011
View 0e07254

added support for preserving customized source/index.html during template updates. Moved the blog index code to a partial in source/_includes/blog_index.html

Brandon Mathis authored on 10/08/2011 at 22:14:56
July 31, 2011
View 5d24e0b

udpated rake udpate_source task to preserve custom includes instaed of preserving navigation and footer

Brandon Mathis authored on 31/07/2011 at 17:24:38
July 29, 2011
View df86e64

Rake task update_source now preserves footer as well as navigation

Brandon Mathis authored on 29/07/2011 at 02:12:50
July 27, 2011
View 0911eab

fixed update style

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/07/2011 at 22:34:50
View 6244fea

Fixed rake update_source and rake update_style

Luke Armstrong authored on 27/07/2011 at 22:22:57
View 3d23831

Fixed [cp: cannot stat `.themes/classic/source/*.': No such file or directory]

Luke Armstrong authored on 27/07/2011 at 21:50:35