August 7, 2011
View 9c2f64d

fixed issue where port setting didn't change jekyll's webbrick in _config.yml. Accidentally used port where I should have used server_port fixes #70

Brandon Mathis authored on 07/08/2011 at 16:18:58
August 2, 2011
View 4a181e3

added explaination to _config.yml for why pygments are turned off

Brandon Mathis authored on 02/08/2011 at 04:40:38
July 31, 2011
View 705ba9a

update instructions for adding custom asides

Brandon Mathis authored on 31/07/2011 at 16:44:07
July 30, 2011
View 41ebe2a

added config for multiple asides

Brandon Mathis authored on 30/07/2011 at 16:07:51
View ffc730f

Merge branch 'master' of into woodwardjd-master

Brandon Mathis authored on 30/07/2011 at 00:50:35
July 28, 2011
View 3b29bfc

added / to the end of the permalinks by default to be more compatible with diqus permalink matching for wordpress default imports

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/07/2011 at 19:40:42
View d8b1781

allow select and order of sidebar components to be configurable in jekyll's _config.yml

Jason Woodward authored on 28/07/2011 at 16:02:08
July 27, 2011
View 7b81aab

added support for pygments.rb removing dependency on pygments, added support for caching highlighted code from pygments.rb and added default line numbering. Javascript auto line numbering now only occurs for embedded gists

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/07/2011 at 03:36:42
July 22, 2011
View 12aed03

updated rakefile and config to support url mapping in previous commit

Brandon Mathis authored on 22/07/2011 at 04:03:11
July 20, 2011
View af39f96

cleaned up config for generic use

Brandon Mathis authored on 20/07/2011 at 03:01:25
July 19, 2011
View 3069892

Improved organziation of _config.yml

Brandon Mathis authored on 19/07/2011 at 13:07:30
July 16, 2011
View f81bdbc

Added support and documentation for deploying to subdirectories (like with gh-pages)

Brandon Mathis authored on 16/07/2011 at 13:29:09
July 14, 2011
View 87f300b

1. Styled pagination for blog index 2. Fixed Newer pagination link on page 2 3. Improved sidebar section breakdown on collapse 4. Removed sharing links from the blog index page (moved to pages) 5. Improved styling for metadata on the blog index 6. Moved /blog/archives.html to /blog/archives/index.html 7. Improved responsive layout styling bugs

Brandon Mathis authored on 14/07/2011 at 02:23:19
July 12, 2011
View 5d1d04c

1. Made default layout more generic. 2. Added a page layout and improved html on post layout. 3. Improved flexibility of stylesheets for different layout types. 4. Collapsing sidebar now moves it to the bottom of the page and floats content into columns. 5. Improved sharing settings, added Google plus one.

Brandon Mathis authored on 12/07/2011 at 23:40:57
July 1, 2011
View b9ad060

1. Updated config so blog categories get ouput to /blog/categories 2. Increased default pagination to 10 posts per page 3. Explained email address for RSS feed better

Brandon Mathis authored on 01/07/2011 at 21:13:21