July 20, 2011
View 19df7e8

added source_update and sass_update rake tasks, for easily updating a blog to the latest theme

Brandon Mathis authored on 20/07/2011 at 02:18:34
July 19, 2011
View cc1cfa5

fixed regular expression for new_page rake task

Brandon Mathis authored on 19/07/2011 at 21:29:23
View 6006ac8

new_page rake task now creates pages as page_name/index.[default_format] if no file extension is passed. By default this creates nicer urls

Brandon Mathis authored on 19/07/2011 at 21:01:14
View 98cfd74

In new_post and new_page rake tasks: adding quotes around title attribute for better compatibility with yaml

Brandon Mathis authored on 19/07/2011 at 20:18:40
View 4a40323

Changed rake task 'post' to 'new_post' and updated the yaml front matter. Added 'new_page' rake task for easily adding new pages with a default yaml block

Brandon Mathis authored on 19/07/2011 at 20:09:42
View 17c59fb

Moved plugins to root directory. I'm ditching the idea of shipping plugins with themes until it's more obviously necessary. This way it's easier to merge and update plugins.

Brandon Mathis authored on 19/07/2011 at 13:06:54
July 16, 2011
View 7c71582

Merge branch 'edge' of github.com:imathis/octopress into edge

Brandon Mathis authored on 16/07/2011 at 18:55:37
View 1f9b596

1. Added rake task for simple configuration of subdirectory deployment. 2. Updated READEME documentation regarding deploying to subdirectories. 3. Fixed related mistake in pagination and header links

Brandon Mathis authored on 16/07/2011 at 18:52:50
View 9224725

Updated path to plugins.

Kent Fenwick authored on 16/07/2011 at 18:27:16
July 11, 2011
View 9e6a951

Updated install rake task (now properly copies directory contents) Thanks @pw for the pull request fixes #32

Brandon Mathis authored on 11/07/2011 at 15:55:56
View ee7b9dd

Changed _plugins folder to plugins and updated rake tasks accordingly

Brandon Mathis authored on 11/07/2011 at 15:17:15
June 29, 2011
View ea349cd

Moved themes to .themes to get it out of the way. Updated Rakefile to support .themes dir and remove duplication. Improved deploy task. Renamed init_deploy to cofig_deploy and rewrote it to update configurations in the Rakefile for easier deploy use

Brandon Mathis authored on 29/06/2011 at 18:01:06
June 28, 2011
View ce66217

Improved the post and init_deploy rake tasks

Brandon Mathis authored on 28/06/2011 at 02:47:40
June 27, 2011
View 6f4c842

fixed a bug in init_deploy task

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/06/2011 at 22:17:15
View 353ccfd

1. Added Category support 2. Designed blog archives pages 3. Restructured Sass 4. Added Categories to rake post metadata 5. Some general style improvements

Brandon Mathis authored on 27/06/2011 at 19:59:21