Browse code

mobile nav javascript updated to still work with role='main-navigation' since changes affecting custom partials don't get updated with the standard update script

Brandon Mathis authored on 25/09/2011 at 14:14:50
Showing 1 changed files
... ...
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
1 1
 function getNav() {
2 2
   var mobileNav = $('nav[role=navigation] fieldset[role=search]').after('<fieldset class="mobile-nav"></fieldset>').next().append('<select></select>');
3 3
   mobileNav.children('select').append('<option value="">Navigate&hellip;</option>');
+  $('ul[role=main-navigation]').addClass('main-navigation');
4 5
   $('ul.main-navigation a').each(function(link) {
5 6
     mobileNav.children('select').append('<option value="'+link.href+'">&bull; '+link.text+'</option>');
6 7