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Merge pull request #178 from matrixagent/patch-1

Changed rsync deployment so the ssh port is configurable as well.

Frederic Hemberger authored on 26/09/2011 at 05:50:56
Showing 1 changed files
... ...
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ require "stringex"
5 5
 ## -- Rsync Deploy config -- ##
6 6
 # Be sure your public key is listed in your server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file
7 7
 ssh_user       = ""
+ssh_port       = "22"
8 9
 document_root  = "~/"
9 10
 deploy_default = "rsync"
10 11
... ...
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ end
218 218
 desc "Deploy website via rsync"
219 219
 task :rsync do
220 220
   puts "## Deploying website via Rsync"
-  ok_failed system("rsync -avz --delete #{public_dir}/ #{ssh_user}:#{document_root}")
+  ok_failed system("rsync -avze 'ssh -p #{ssh_port}' --delete #{public_dir}/ #{ssh_user}:#{document_root}")
222 222
223 223
224 224
 desc "deploy public directory to github pages"