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updated the readme

B Mathis authored on 08/11/2009 at 05:04:22
Showing 1 changed files
... ...
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Octopress gives developers a well designed starting point for a Jekyll blog. It'
29 29
30 30
 #### Third
31 31
 1. Edit the top of the Rakefile settings to match your web hosting info.
-2. Edit the top of the atom.haml and _layout/default.haml.
+2. Customize the top of the atom.haml and _layout/default.haml.
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 ## Usage
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 You should really read over the [Jekyll wiki]( because most of your work will be using Jekyll. Beyond that Octopress is mostly some rake tasks, HAML, and SASS/Compass that has been meticulously crafted for ease of use and modification.