# Author: Brandon Mathis
# Based on the sematic pullquote technique by Maykel Loomans at http://miekd.com/articles/pull-quotes-with-html5-and-css/
# Outputs a span with a data-pullquote attribute set from the marked pullquote. Example:
#   {% pullquote %}
#     When writing longform posts, I find it helpful to include pullquotes, which help those scanning a post discern whether or not a post is helpful.
#     It is important to note, {" pullquotes are merely visual in presentation and should not appear twice in the text. "} That is why it is prefered
#     to use a CSS only technique for styling pullquotes.
#   {% endpullquote %}
#   ...will output...
#   <p>
#     <span data-pullquote="pullquotes are merely visual in presentation and should not appear twice in the text.">
#       When writing longform posts, I find it helpful to include pullquotes, which help those scanning a post discern whether or not a post is helpful.
#       It is important to note, pullquotes are merely visual in presentation and should not appear twice in the text. This is why a CSS only approach #       for styling pullquotes is prefered.
#     </span>
#   </p>
module Jekyll
  class PullquoteTag < Liquid::Block
    def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
    def render(context)
      output = super
      if output.join =~ /\{"\s*(.+)\s*"\}/
        @quote = $1
        "<span class='has-pullquote' data-pullquote='#{@quote}'>#{output.join.gsub(/\{"\s*|\s*"\}/, '')}</span>"
        return "Surround your pullquote like this {\" text to be quoted \"}"
Liquid::Template.register_tag('pullquote', Jekyll::PullquoteTag)