require 'active_support' def ok_failed(condition) if (condition) puts "OK" else puts "FAILED" end end port = "4000" site = "site" desc "list tasks" task :default do puts "Tasks: #{(Rake::Task.tasks - [Rake::Task[:default]]).to_sentence}" puts "(type rake -T for more detail)\n\n" end desc "remove files in output directory" task :clean do puts "Removing output..." Dir["#{site}/*"].each { |f| rm_rf(f) } end desc "generate website in output directory" task :generate => :clean do puts "Generating website..." system "compass" system "jekyll" Dir["#{site}/stylesheets/*.sass"].each { |f| rm_rf(f) } system "mv #{site}/atom.html #{site}/atom.xml" end desc "generate and deploy website" task :deploy => :generate do print "Deploying website..." ok_failed system("rsync -avz --delete #{site}/") end desc "start up an instance of serve on the output files" task :start_serve => :stop_serve do cd "#{site}" do print "Starting serve..." ok_failed system("serve #{port} > /dev/null 2>&1 &") end end desc "stop all instances of serve" task :stop_serve do pid = `ps auxw | awk '/bin\\/serve\\ #{port}/ { print $2 }'`.strip if pid.empty? puts "Serve is not running" else print "Stoping serve..." ok_failed system("kill -9 #{pid}") end end desc "preview the site in a web browser" multitask :preview => [:generate, :start_serve] do system "open http://localhost:#{port}" end