layout: post
title: "Dependency management in PHP projects #2"
date: 2013-12-08 00:25
comments: true
categories: [webdev, php]
cover: /images/cover/avatar.png
keywords: php, composer, bundle, versions, dependencies, packages, libraries
In the last [article](/2013/11/24/dependency-management-in-php-projects/) about
dependency management I've explained why we, PHP programmers, need [composer](http://getcomposer.org/)
and why you should use it in your PHP projects.
Let's dig deeper in composer internals.
# Where can I find packages for composer?
Many of packages which we can use as project dependencies can be found on [packagist](https://packagist.org/).
# Dependency versioning
Let's say our project depends on [Twig](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/) library.
The ```require``` section in ```composer.json``` file will look like this:
{% codeblock lang:json %}
"require": {
"twig/twig": "1.12.*"
{% endcodeblock %}
The file says we want Twig version at least 1.12.0. Composer will install the newest
minor version (e.g. 1.12.1 or 1.12.3) of major version 1.12. We'll never get Twig
1.11 or Twig 1.13 or Twig 2.0.
We can define an exact version of Twig like this: ```"twig/twig": "1.12.1"```.
Maybe we want any newest development version. It's simple: ```"twig/twig": "dev-master"```.
Now composer will install newest bleeding-edge version from ```master``` branch
from Twig's [Git repository](https://github.com/fabpot/Twig). The used schema
is: ```dev-<branch>```.
# Using custom dependencies
If you have your own libraries you want to use in a project, add ```repositories``` section
to the ```composer.json```. It contains array of
<abbr title="Version Control System">[VCS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revision_control)</abbr>
Let's say you want to use a library hosted on github. Then the ```repositories```
section can look like this:
{% codeblock lang:json %}
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/vendor/example.git"
{% endcodeblock %}
In ```type``` field we said it's a Git repository and an address of the repository
is defined in ```url``` field.
Then, you can edit the ```require``` section:
{% codeblock lang:json %}
"require": {
"twig/twig": "1.12.*",
"vendor/example": "dev-master"
{% endcodeblock %}
Now ```composer update``` will fetch code of "example" library from ```https://github.com/vendor/example.git```
# How my project knows about installed dependencies?
Composer creates ```autoload.php``` file in ```vendor``` directory. The file takes care
of *dynamic* autoloading of all dependencies. Dynamic means all required files are loaded
when they are needed. If we had defined 20 dependencies, it would be very inefficient
and slow to load all files.
When some dependency class is used for the first time, composer's Autoloader gets called
and tries to find and load needed files.
I believe an example below enlightens the question. All you need to do is to include
```autoload.php``` file in your project.
{% codeblock index.php lang:php %}
// load autoload.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// how many files has been loaded so far
echo "Number of loaded files: " . count(get_included_files()) . "\n";
// can use Twig class
$loader = new Twig_Loader_String();
echo "Number of loaded files: " . count(get_included_files()) . "\n";
{% endcodeblock %}
The example is very simple, I just wanted to show dependency autoloading **just works**.
By the way, the output is:
Number of loaded files: 6
Number of loaded files: 9
First time a counter was called there were loaded only composer files. Next time
composer loaded more files required by Twig.
Very interesting topic about autoloading of your own code is explained on composer
official [guide](http://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#autoloading).
*This article was also published on my school [blog](http://cinan.blog.matfyz.sk/p106605-dependency-management-in-php-projects-#2).*