#custom filters for Octopress require './plugins/backtick_code_block' require './plugins/post_filters' require './plugins/raw' require './plugins/date' require 'rubypants' module OctopressFilters include BacktickCodeBlock include TemplateWrapper def pre_filter(input) input = render_code_block(input) input.gsub /(<figure.+?>.+?<\/figure>)/m do safe_wrap($1) end end def post_filter(input) input = unwrap(input) RubyPants.new(input).to_html end end module Jekyll class ContentFilters < PostFilter include OctopressFilters def pre_render(post) post.content = pre_filter(post.content) end def post_render(post) post.content = post_filter(post.content) end end end module OctopressLiquidFilters include Octopress::Date # Used on the blog index to split posts on the <!--more--> marker def excerpt(input) if input.index(/<!--\s*more\s*-->/i) input.split(/<!--\s*more\s*-->/i)[0] else input end end # Checks for excerpts (helpful for template conditionals) def has_excerpt(input) input =~ /<!--\s*more\s*-->/i ? true : false end # Summary is used on the Archive pages to return the first block of content from a post. def summary(input) if input.index(/\n\n/) input.split(/\n\n/)[0] else input end end # Extracts raw content DIV from template, used for page description as {{ content }} # contains complete sub-template code on main page level def raw_content(input) /<div class="entry-content">(?<content>[\s\S]*?)<\/div>\s*<(footer|\/article)>/ =~ input return (content.nil?) ? input : content end # Escapes CDATA sections in post content def cdata_escape(input) input.gsub(/<!\[CDATA\[/, '<![CDATA[').gsub(/\]\]>/, ']]>') end # Replaces relative urls with full urls def expand_urls(input, url='') url ||= '/' input.gsub /(\s+(href|src)\s*=\s*["|']{1})(\/[^\"'>]*)/ do $1+url+$3 end end # Improved version of Liquid's truncate: # - Doesn't cut in the middle of a word. # - Uses typographically correct ellipsis (…) insted of '...' def truncate(input, length) if input.length > length && input[0..(length-1)] =~ /(.+)\b.+$/im $1.strip + ' …' else input end end # Improved version of Liquid's truncatewords: # - Uses typographically correct ellipsis (…) insted of '...' def truncatewords(input, length) truncate = input.split(' ') if truncate.length > length truncate[0..length-1].join(' ').strip + ' …' else input end end # Condenses multiple spaces and tabs into a single space def condense_spaces(input) input.gsub(/\s{2,}/, ' ') end # Removes trailing forward slash from a string for easily appending url segments def strip_slash(input) if input =~ /(.+)\/$|^\/$/ input = $1 end input end # Returns a url without the protocol (http://) def shorthand_url(input) input.gsub /(https?:\/\/)(\S+)/ do $2 end end # Returns a title cased string based on John Gruber's title case http://daringfireball.net/2008/08/title_case_update def titlecase(input) input.titlecase end end Liquid::Template.register_filter OctopressLiquidFilters