936b4422 |
layout: post
title: "Powerline - nice and clean terminal prompt"
date: 2013-07-05 19:04
comments: true
categories: [shell]
cover: /images/cover/avatar.png
keywords: shell, powerline, zsh, bash, fish, terminal
description: Customize terminal prompt
I've always wanted a sexy terminal prompt (aka $PS1, dear power users).
Finally I managed to find it. It's called
[powerline-sheel](https://github.com/milkbikis/powerline-shell). Except nice
look it offers git/svn/hg integration as you can see on the screenshot below.
{% img /images/powerline.png Git branches with untracked files %}
It's compatible with Bash, Zsh and Fish shells. Installation instructions are on
the Github project page. |