 title: Hello World! I'm Octopress!
 layout: post
 updated: March 10th, 2010
 **Octopress is a blogging framework designed for hackers**, based on [Jekyll]( the blog aware static site generator powering [Github pages](
 If you don't know what Jekyll is, [Jack Moffitt]( wrote a good summary:
 {% blockquote Jack Moffitt Blogging with Git Emacs and Jekyll %}
   Jekyll is a static blog generator; it transforms a directory of input files into another directory of files suitable for a blog. The management of the blog is handled by standard, familiar tools like creating and renaming files, the text editor of your choice, and version control.
 {% endblockquote %}
 There's no database to set up, and you get to use tools like Emacs, Vim, or TextMate to write your posts, not some lame in-browser text editor. Just write, generate, deploy, using the same tools and patterns you already use for your daily work.
 [Read the wiki to learn more](