Paper resumes suck. They are inconvenient to carry around. They are boring to read. There are always multiple versions.
I decided to turn my resume into a website to address these concerns. This makes the site easy to access, and it allows linking to various projects. The site is based on the [Spacelab Bootswatch](http://bootswatch.com/), so design is responsive. Storing the site as a public git repository allows version control and a degree of accountability as changes are made.
Live at [cv.philipithomas.com](http://cv.philipithomas.com).
#Building Your Own
Feel free to fork this repository and build your own resume. I used a couple basic PHP functions to keep formatting consistent. In addition, I host on Heroku, which is free for small scale and easy to integrate with git. Also, don't forget to swap in your Google Analytics code for mine!
#Upcoming Improvements
* Modals with further information about companies
* Print to PDF function