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<h3 style="text-align: center; text-style: italic">Curriculum Vitae for</h3>
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<h1 style="padding: 10px 0px; text-align: center; font-size: 60px">Philip I. Thomas</h1> |
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<div class="span12">Philip I. Thomas is a senior at Washington University majoring in systems engineering and physics. He also works for Cultivation Capital as an analyst and is a founder of two startups — the Food Trucks Near Me website and Automation Kit, a company focused on helping companies automate their digital marketing. He intends to work in data analysis after graduation, and is currently seeking employment opportunities. </div> |
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</div> |
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<h2>Education</h2> |
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</div> |
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</div> <!-- end row --> |
90f51f70 |
position("Washington University in Saint Louis","Saint Louis, MO","Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering and Physics","Expected 5/13",'
<li><span style="font-weight: bold">Honors:</span> J. Alan and Marcia K. Ritter Scholar.</li>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold">Relevant Coursework:</span> Operations Research, Stochastic Models, Signals Analysis.</li> |
388c293d |
<li><span style="font-weight: bold">Senior Project:</span> Analysis of <a href="http://aisle411.com/" target="_BLANK">Aisle411</a> Usage Data <span style="font-style:italic">(In Progress)</span></li> |
bb3ebc2a |
</ul>',""); |
6ebee76d |
position("Case Western Reserve University","Cleveland, OH","Organic chemistry lecture and laboratory","6/10-8/10","",""); |
f04294c9 |
90f51f70 |
?> |
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<section id="experience"> |
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<div class="page-header"> |
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<h2>Professional and Leadership Experience </h2> |
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</div> |
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</div> <!-- end row --> |
b9aa5995 |
<?php |
5b8584e7 |
position("Automation Kit","Saint Louis, MO","Managing Partner","6/12-Present",'
<ul> |
26af257b |
<li>Equipped over a dozen clients with marketing tools to capture, convert, and cultivate leads automatically.</li> |
8aa1745c |
<li><span style="font-weight: bold">Selected Clients:</span> Hostirian, Systematic Revenue, Venture Draft, St. Louis Arch Angels.</li> |
aeb55877 |
5b8584e7 |
position("Food Trucks Near Me","Saint Louis, MO","Founder","6/12-Present",'
<ul> |
0d723d7b |
<li>Developed, launched, and marketed food truck finder website with successful launches in five cities, resulting in extensive media coverage and sustained web traffic.</li> |
26af257b |
<li>Designed cross-platform CRM system to infer user cities of interest based on interactions with email updates and website, resulting in increased advertising relevancy for users.</li> |
eede827b |
<li>Implemented automated cross-platform social media system resulting in high return traffic.</li> |
f37b5209 |
</ul>',"http://foodtrucksnearme.com"); |
aeb55877 |
5b8584e7 |
position("Cultivation Capital","Saint Louis, MO","Analyst","3/12-Present",' |
26af257b |
<li>Performed screening of potential investments with a focus on technical analysis of technology and operations for due diligence reporting. </li> |
aeb55877 |
5b8584e7 |
position("Washington University Tech Entrepreneurs (wute)","Saint Louis, MO","Director - wute.vc","9/11-Present",'
<ul> |
d09f73e3 |
<li>Launched wute.vc, a lecture series connecting students with venture capitalists and seasoned entrepreneurs, resulting in sponsorship by <a href="http://cultivationcaptital.com" target="_BLANK">Cultivation Capital</a>.</li> |
26af257b |
<li>Attracted over 200 students to <a href="http://wute.vc/2012/10/press-release-alexis-ohanian-kicks-off-student-run-venture-capital-lecture-series-at-wustl/">first wute.vc speech by Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian</a> using a paperless marketing campaign.</li> |
d09f73e3 |
<li>Designed <a href="http://wute.vc" target="_BLANK">wute.vc</a> and re-designed <a href="http://wute.org" target="_BLANK">wute.org</a> websites.</li> |
aeb55877 |
</ul>', "http://wute.org");
5b8584e7 |
0c0148e0 |
position("Washington University in St. Louis Department of Physics","Saint Louis, MO","Teaching Assistant, General Physics I and General Physics II","8/11-Present","", ""); |
aeb55877 |
5b8584e7 |
position("WUSauce","St. Louis, MO","Communication Chair","9/10-Present",'
<li>Performed with audition-only salsa dance team, taught salsa lessons, and participated in community outreach.</li> |
26af257b |
<li>Implemented improved website and email marketing system, resulting in 20% increase in annual audition attendance and 200% increase in weekly lesson retention throughout each semester.</li> |
a590e65a |
<li>Served as Communication Director for annual Dance-Off event in 2011 and 2012, resulting in over 500 students attending each event.</li> |
aeb55877 |
5b8584e7 |
position("Sapientia Media","St. Louis, MO","President","5/10-Present",'
<li>Spearheaded client relation management, digital marketing strategy, website design, and brand positioning services.</li> |
eede827b |
<li><span style="font-style:italic;">Selected Clients:</span> Evetos, On The Edge, St. Albans Promotions.</li> |
aeb55877 |
5b8584e7 |
position("Washington University Student Investment Fund","St. Louis, MO","Communication Chair","1/10-6/12",'
<ul> |
26af257b |
<li>Managed the investment of over $100,000 of the university endowment via qualitative, multiples, and DCF analysis, resulting in growth exceeding S&P 500 Midcap Index on invested funds.</li> |
eede827b |
<li>Competed nationally in investment competitions, and was a Finalist in the Spring 2011 <a href="http://miiuic.org/" target="_BLANK">Michigan Interactive Investments Competition</a>.</li>
<li><span style="font-style:italic;">Previous Positions:</span> Technology Portfolio Manager (2010), Webmaster (2010-2011), Healthcare Analyst (2010).</li> |
aeb55877 |
5b8584e7 |
01639639 |
position("Washington University in St. Louis Department of Computer Science","St. Louis, MO","Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Computing Tools: MATLAB","1/11-6/11","",""); |
5b8584e7 |
aeb55877 |
5b8584e7 |
position("Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis","St. Louis, MO","Research Assistant, Dr. Jennifer Lodge Laboratory","9/09-1/12",'
<ul> |
64477bdb |
<li>Studied pathogenic fungus <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptococcus_neoformans" target="_BLANK"><span style="font-style:italic;">Cryptococcus neoformans</span></a> with in vitro, in vivo, and computational techniques.</li> |
5b8584e7 |
<li>Selected Project Experience:
<li>Bioinformatics – Designed, developed, and implemented a scalable <span style="font-style:italic;">C. neoformans</span> Strain Database for collaborative use in the scientific community. </li>
<li>Gene research – Studied stress sensors involved with nitrositive stress.</li>
<li>Animal testing – Analyzed strain virulence with <span style="font-style"italic;">in vitro</span> studies in mice.</li>
</li> |
f37b5209 |
</ul>',""); |
5b8584e7 |
aeb55877 |
b9aa5995 |
?> |
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<section id="technical"> |
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<div class="row">
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<div class="page-header"> |
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<h2>Technical</h2> |
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<div class="span8"> |
4177979f |
<?php |
3e0cdebe |
iprogram('PHP','85'); |
72d93792 |
iprogram('Relational Databases','85'); |
57e4d70d |
iprogram('NoSQL Databases','55'); |
72d93792 |
iprogram('Adobe CS6','40'); |
d9fe7f55 |
iprogram('Unix System Administration','40'); |
375daac0 |
iprogram('Mathematica','60'); |
d9fe7f55 |
72d93792 |
4177979f |
?> |
5a7d2f65 |
</div> |
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<div class="span4">
<div class="well"> |
526717a8 |
<h4>Selected Projects</h4> |
ae3a7c57 |
<hr />
<ul> |
cb318b02 |
<?php |
526717a8 |
project('Food Trucks Near Me','http://www.foodtrucksnearme.com',''); |
cb318b02 |
project('Computational Analysis of Diffusion as a Stochastic System','','http://github.com/philipithomas/diffusion'); |
da5759f9 |
project('CSE131 Java','','https://github.com/philipithomas/cse131Java'); |
f31d7e44 |
project('Curriculum Vitae','','https://github.com/philipithomas/cv-philipithomas'); |
da5759f9 |
project('Kill The Landline','http://killthelandline.com',''); |
cb318b02 |
?> |
ae3a7c57 |
</ul> |
26e62ea3 |
<a class="pull-right btn btn-small btn-inverse" href="http://github.com/philipithomas">Github Profile <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-white"></i></a><br /> |
ae3a7c57 |
</div> |
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<section id="honors"> |
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<h2>Honors and Skills</h2> |
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</div> |
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5755a0f0 |
<div class="row">
<div class="span8"> |
056b2551 |
5fe790a0 |
extra('Awards','Eagle Scout<br />Honorable Mention at 2012 Startup Weekend Columbia (<a href="http://killthelandline.com" target="_BLANK">Kill the Landline</a>)<br />Finalist in Spring
2011 Michigan Interactive Investments Competition');
extra('Language','Conversational Proficiency in Spanish');
extra('Organizations','The Engineer\'s Club of St. Louis');
extra('Interests','Salsa Dancing<br /><a href="http://beer.philipithomas.com" target="_BLANK">Craft Beer</a><br />Coffee<br />Rock Climbing'); |
056b2551 |
?> |
8e33a685 |
<div class="span4"> |
5755a0f0 |
<div class="well"> |
1f9ac2cb |
<h4>Selected Press</h4> |
5755a0f0 |
<hr />
<ul> |
3f2fe847 |
<li>St. Louis Business Journal: <a href="http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/blog/BizNext/2012/10/community-voices-philip-thomas-at.html?page=all">Philip Thomas at Startup Weekend </a></li> |
0856e26c |
<li>Fox 2 Now: <a href="http://philipithomas.com/2012/07/food-truck-stl-on-fox-2-news-in-the-morning/">Live Interview with Food Truck Site Founder Philip I. Thomas </a></li> |
3f2fe847 |
<li>Forbes: <a href="http://www.forbes.com/sites/kaipetainen/2011/11/11/washu-students-provide-teva-some-healthy-love/">WashU Students Provide Teva Some Healthy Love</a></li> |
43362609 |
<li>St. Louis Business Journal: <a href="http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/blog/BizNext/2012/09/wutevc-starts-venture-capital-lecture.html">wute.vc starts venture capital lecture series</li> |
5755a0f0 |
</ul> |
518862a3 |
<a class="pull-right btn btn-small btn-inverse" href="http://philipithomas.com/press">View Full Press <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-white"></I></a><br /> |
5755a0f0 |
</div> |
773e733e |
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<?php |
5755a0f0 |
// ========================================================= |
f04294c9 |
These are some functions to make uniform sections
bb804183 |
function position($company,$city,$job,$dates,$blob,$link) { |
f04294c9 |
This function is for use in the experience section. It unififes formatting for the various positions.
7bbce9e4 |
echo ' |
1374e4c3 |
<div class="row" style="padding: 35px 0 4px 0;"> |
2ada2a81 |
<div class="span8"><h4 style="margin: 0">'.$company; |
bb804183 |
if (!empty($link)) { |
0a0b5631 |
echo ' <a href="'.$link.'" target="_BLANK"><span class="badge">Website <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-white"></i></span></a>'; |
bb804183 |
} |
f37b5209 |
echo '</h4>
bb804183 |
</div> |
2ada2a81 |
<div class="span4"><h4 class="pull-right hidden-phone" style="margin: 0">'.$city.'</h4> |
6293f2c1 |
7bbce9e4 |
</div> <!-- end row--> |
f04294c9 |
7bbce9e4 |
<div class="row"> |
c7e8ec92 |
<div class="span6"><span style="font-style:italic; font-size: 15px;">'.$job.'</span></div> |
c394d79b |
<div class="span6"> |
6293f2c1 |
<span class="visible-phone label">'.$dates.'</span> |
7f72038f |
<span class="hidden-phone pull-right" style="font-style:italic; font-size: 15px;" >'.$dates.'</span> |
c394d79b |
6293f2c1 |
</div> |
7bbce9e4 |
</div> <!-- end row-->
if (!empty($blob)) {
echo ' |
30075a30 |
<div class="row" style="padding-top: 8px;"><div class="span12">'.$blob.'</div></div>'; |
7bbce9e4 |
} |
f04294c9 |
7590e753 |
} |
8a8d2f88 |
4177979f |
function iprogram($language,$percent) { |
cb318b02 |
// Progress bars for technical section |
4177979f |
echo ' |
42988118 |
<div class="row"> |
1fe49737 |
<div class="span3" |
18ef47d3 |
<p><h4 style="text-align: right" class="hidden-phone">'.$language.'</h4></p> |
f037603c |
<p><span class="badge visible-phone" style="text-align: center">'.$language.'</span></p> |
4177979f |
<div class="span4"> |
3c76b769 |
<div class="progress" style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0; height: 22px;"> |
4177979f |
<div class="bar" style="width: '.$percent.'%;"></div>
</div> |
1fe49737 |
<div class="span1"></div> |
42988118 |
</div> |
4177979f |
} |
cb318b02 |
function project($name,$look,$code) {
// Makes lists for displaying projects |
5cf9720f |
echo '<li style="padding-top: 12px">'.$name; |
cb318b02 |
if (!empty($look)) {
// link to look at completed project |
6bb83483 |
echo ' <a href="'.$look.'" target="_BLANK" ><span class="badge badge-success">Visit <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-white"></i></label></a>'; |
cb318b02 |
if (!empty($code)) {
// link to look at completed project |
ba3fb51e |
echo ' <a href="'.$code.'" target="_BLANK""><span class="badge badge-info">Code <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-white"></i></span></a>'; |
cb318b02 |
} |
dd5048d5 |
echo '</li>'; |
cb318b02 |
} |
388c293d |
function extra($title,$blob) { |
d1738920 |
echo '<div class="row" style="padding-top:30px"> |
b52fba27 |
<div class="span3">
<span class="pull-right hidden-phone"><strong>'.$title.'</strong></span>
<span class="visible-phone badge">'.$title.'</span>
</div> |
5755a0f0 |
<div class="span5"> |
b52fba27 |
'.$blob.' |
056b2551 |
</div>'; |
b52fba27 |
388c293d |
} |
7590e753 |
?> |